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There are many reasons why someone might need a reading from a psychic or tarot card reader. For example, if you are struggling with an important decision or feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of life, a reading can help you gain clarity and insight into the path ahead of you. A psychic reading can also give you powerful guidance and support as you work through difficult situations and make important choices about your life.


Additionally, an aura reading can provide valuable insights into your health, relationships, career, and other aspects of your life that may be affecting your ability to live your best life. Ultimately, investing in yourself by getting a psychic or tarot card reading is a great way to gain greater understanding of yourself, tap into your inner wisdom and intuition, and improve the quality of your life.

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The  Psychic

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Image by Content Pixie


- Past Present and Future

- Reads Energy and Aura

- Provides Clarity on current situations



Sloan has the rare ability to give her clients much more than accurate psychic predictions. She gives them insight into how and why things are happening in their lives and what they can do to start making a difference. Sloan gives both practical and spiritual psychic guidance into personal relationships and major decisions. 



30 min

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Image by Edz Norton


- Gives you detailed answers to questions

- Reveals truths about current circumstances

  you may be experiencing.

- Perfect for in-depth answers if you have specific 



Tarot Cards reveal what your present situations are and what you should do to prepare for it because it will give you an outlook and time frames. Tarot card readings help a person understand what he or she needs to know about a particular situation.



15 mins


The  Tarot


The Psychic & Tarot

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Image by Elia Pellegrini


- Both Psychic & Tarot Reading combined

- Covers all aspects of life & answers all questions

- This reading goes into great detail

- 45 min session

- Love, career, life, Energy & Aura evaluation

- Picks Up on People Surrounding you this is the best reading for love & relationships


A reading can provide valuable insights and clarity that can help you make better decisions and achieve your goals, whatever they may be. Whether you are looking for guidance on a specific issue, or simply want to explore your options, a psychic tarot reading can give you the insight and clarity that you need to make the best choices for yourself and live your best life.



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